Monday, June 17, 2013

1st MTC email

June 12, 2013
Hello my wonderful family!
I can't believe that it has been a week since I first arrived here!  I absolutely love it :)  It has been the busiest and the most spiritual time of my life.  I don't have a lot of time, so I'll try and get everything in (sorry in advance for the shortness!), but I'll write you more letters really soon.  I have settled in here really well.  At first it was a bit overwhelming, but now I am getting the hang of it!  My district and my companion is great, which makes things a lot easier.  I am so grateful that I have been able to get along so well with everyone.  My class time has been really great, I also love my teachers.  One really cool opportunity that I have been able to have is that I am a guinea pig for the MTC.  They are piloting a new teaching program here, and we are the first district to try it out, and it has been so great :)  We get two progressing investigators who we teach five times each, and a new investigator every day! Then we get to watch how we did on the computer because they record us.  Crazy!  A whole lot of teaching experience.  Having the spirit with me has been my goal every day because I know that without Him, I cannot teach.  The investigators Sister Jensen and I have are amazing.  We can grown really close to them, and we have only taught them three times.  We also get the opportunity to be taught by an MTC training manager and Brother Reis (He was on the district 1, you should watch it!)  They are both great!! Although it seems like it has been forever, I am already really sad to leave.  I have grown SO much here, and I am just excited, and grateful to be able to share the message of the gospel :)  I know that it is true!  Overall, I'm just happy!  
So, we leave the MTC next Monday at 3:30 am to head to the airport where we depart for detroit at 7:30 am, and I get to call you!! Just keep that day and between 6:00-7:00 or however that works open!  I'm excited to get to talk to you!  Love you so much and thanks for the mail and packages :)
Sister Bergeson

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