Monday, April 28, 2014

April 28, 2014 Bethel, Maine

Be One
Hello dear, dear family!! :)                             April 28, 2014

I loved getting your letters this week and it seems like you've been having a great and busy time way over there in Utah! :)   Here it has been another busy week as well!  As far as weather, I am soo ready for spring!  I can just feel it though; it is right around the corner!  The grass is growing and there are a couple flowers here and there, but the trees still look dead.  It is warmer though, and we’ve actually been running a lot!!  Dad Amy and Erin, I’ve been inspired by you from many miles away!! J It also helps to have a runner as a companion. It is very wet, but we haven’t had any more flooding luckily!  Good thing too, because driving through a river is not something that I want to experience again! 

Ok, so I seriously don’t even know where to start.  It is such a blur, especially on Mondays for some reason. So, last week we just had a lot of miracles.  It was amazing!!  First, it all started off with our companionship.  Monday we had our comp inventory (it kinda got pushed back and back), and boy those things are just so great!!  It is such an awesome time that is set apart to come together and help each other.  I feel like my weaknesses have been standing out to me now than they have ever been before. It is discouraging and frustrating sometimes, but well, that is why the scriptures counsel to have patience.  Not easy, but down the road I’m pretty sure it will be worth it.  I’m just so grateful for Sister May!  She does so much for me and she helps me as I try to do better and become more of who the Savior would have me be.  It was just a great way to start out the week!  It certainly helped us become even more united! 

Another huge miracle was our investigator Katy.  It has been incredible!!  She noticed the first time we met with her that we have a love that she wants so much to have but doesn’t know how to get it.  She has so many questions and she has tried to many different religions to get the answers.  She has been a Quaker and a Shaker and a Catholic and on and on.  She is so sincere and has such a strong belief in God, but she is still so confused.  We were able to teach her two times last week, the first time with Sheny, a recent convert.  We have really been trying to get as many investigators at our lessons as possible, and it has been super sweet!!  It was the first time that she had been teaching with us and it was soooo powerful!  The spirit was very strong and it was just amazing to see Katy feel it J  She was very touched and so was Sheny.  We really did all learn and grow together!  Katy called us later on in the week and decided that she wanted to come to church with us, and also had some questions and wanted us to come have another lesson with her as soon as possible.  She is very interested in the Plan on Salvation, especially the resurrection.  It was great being able to use the Book of Mormon to answer her questions, and she was excited to come to church to see what it is like.  So, Katy is someone who goes to as many church meetings of all kinds throughout the week to try to get as close to God as possible, so when she heard our meetings are three hours she was super happy.  She came to Sacrament Meeting, and it was just an insanely amazing meeting!  Awesome!  The spirit was so strong.  We have some incredible and strong youth and one of them bore his testimony and it was very powerful.  Then the Bishop spoke about finding peace and happiness through the Savior and a member of the Stake Presidency spoke about missionary work (if you haven’t already guessed it was Ward Conference).  I loved it so much and Katy really seemed like she did too.  It was interesting though because she said that she was going to have to go home and meditate and think about everything she learned because it was so much and she didn’t want to forget anything.  She said she had a lot of questions and that she liked the meeting.  I hope and pray that she felt the spirit and heard with her mind and heart the divine truths that were being taught.  The experience teaching Katy has been such a testimony builder for me.  I know that the fullness of the truth has been restored and is taught in this church!!  There is no need for me to be confused because of so many different religions!  I am grateful that we can show that to Katy as well!! 

Miracle three is a pretty big one.  Adan our very recent convert had the experience to go to youth conference last week.  He had no idea what it was going to be like at all, but he decided that he wanted to go and see.  The conference combined the Augusta and the Bangor Stakes youth, so pretty much all youth in the state of Maine over 14 years old were invited.  Pretty neat!! J We were way excited too because it was all about missionary work!!  So, he came back on Saturday and we went over to see them and got to talk to him about it.  (Side note: we were there for an after-birthday party for Sheny and Luis’s super cute girl.  There were a bunch of Latino people there who didn’t speak English, but they were just super super nice and funny!!!  It was such a blast! We ate some super ethnic food which was delicious, drank hibiscus juice made from the flower and pretty much played charades trying to talk to the people there.  Guatemalan’s sure do know how to throw a party!!)  So, Adan just couldn’t stop talking about how AMAZING it was!!  He loved every minute of it!  He made a whole lot of friends and he learned a lot from the sessions they did.  He told us that he bore his testimony twice while he was there, and he felt the spirit really strong!  I’m so glad that he went!!  We talked to his leaders about him and they said the whole time he was doing all he could to include people who were shy and reach out to wallflowers at the dances and just bring happiness to everyone around him.  They said that he was such a great example!  On Sunday he talked to the Bishop about getting the Aaronic Priesthood and a member of the stake presidency also talked to him.  They were talking to all the potential missionaries! J  The elders told us that they talked to him and that he said he was thinking more about going on a mission.  He isn’t sure, but he definitely knows that it is an option.  Wow.  It is so cool to look back and see where he started.  It is a miracle to see how far he has come! 

Next it was a miracle in disguise.  On Friday night we got a text from Bishop asking if we would do a musical number for ward conference. We (umm..well…I) kinda panicked because I gave the violin back to the member, so pretty much the only option was to sing.  Singing a special musical number in church is not something that was ever on my bucket list.  We enlisted the help of the Elders and decided to sing called to serve with our special mission third verse.  Saturday and Sunday morning I was super nervous, but we did it!!  It was really neat because once I got to the pulpit and looked out at everyone I love, I wasn’t nervous anymore. I decided to smile the whole time I sang, which wasn’t too hard, and it was actually really great! J  I’m so glad that we had that opportunity and I got the chance to conquer a fear!

So, the last miracle I want to write about comes from my scripture study.  I’ve been in the war chapters of Alma and I just LOVE them!!!!  It has been so neat to be able to personalize them to myself right here, right now!!  I love Alma chapter 51, especially verses 1-23.  The Nephites are experiencing a time of peace until contention and anger rise because of the pride of the king-men.  A division occurs and overall, the Nephites end up getting run out by the Lamanites.  It took too long to settle the division within themselves and they didn’t have enough time to prepare to fight against the Lamanites.  What a great way to teach the importance of humility and unity.  I know that when I’m one with myself and God, with myself and my companion, and on and on I am much stronger than I am when I’m divided!  The Lord taught us there is to be one fold and one shepherd and also “be one; and if ye are not one ye are not mine.” (D&C 38:27).  I’m so grateful for the scriptures and the chance I have to study them and apply them to my life.  We were also able to share this in a lesson and it was incredible how much they needed this message. My testimony of the Book of Mormon is strengthened so much when I liken it to myself and share insights with others.

Overall, this week was just great!!  So much to write and I feel I hardly covered anything! Being a missionary is amazing!  I am so grateful for this opportunity to be able to serve and unify myself with everything the Lord has taught as well as with others.  I love you all so much and I hope that you have another amazing week!!

Love one another!
Sister Bergeson J  

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