Monday, September 22, 2014

Sept. 15, 2014 Littleton, New Hampshire

After the Trial of Faith
Hello there!!                             Sept. 15, 2014
I hope that you all had a wonderful week!  And that it was warmer than it was here!!  Weather.  It was 44 degrees yesterday...  I broke out my coat and wool tights.  Where did the summer go?  Really!  Hopefully it will warm up, seriously praying for an Indian Summer over here!  I'm pretty sure that's what it's called..
Well, this week was pretty crazy.  I mean, we totally saw a bobcat run across the road in front of our car!!  What?  It did feel super super long, but a lot of incredible stuff happened!!  All beginning with Sister Mann (the former YW president, and like, one of the greatest members ever!!) getting her mission call!!  The whole ward gathered at a members house for a bonfire, and we had a giant impromptu missionary FHE, ending with Sister Mann opening her call!!  She is going to Ecuador!  Serving in a temple over there in a city that I have no idea how to spell... um... Guayaquil, that's it! :)  It was so much fun!  The ward here is just awesome, they really are all like family, I love it!! 

That night and the next morning/day was really off for me, though.  This whole transfer I've just been doing fantastic and been super happy, but I seriously felt like I was being pulled down hard core those days.  I had all these negative thoughts, very little desire to do anything, and it was just hard!  I really have no idea what started it all, it just came and hit me like a ton of bricks.  But we just kept going through the day we scheduled and I pushed myself along.  I feel like my prayers were more like pleas to help me through.  Looking back, I feel like that experience was a little test of my faith.  I've been praying to see miracles this whole transfer, and we've been working our tails off, and been seeing them, but I guess I needed to get over this little hump that was put in my way to see what more God had in store! 
It reminds me of a quote Sister Wallentine gave me at the beginning of my mission-

"Just when all seems to be going right, challenges often come in multiple doses applied simultaneously.  When those trials are not consequences of your disobedience, they are evidence that the Lord feels you are prepared to grow more (proverbs 3:11-12).  He therefore gives you experiences that stimulate growth, understanding, and compassion which polish you for your everlasting benefit.  To get you from where you are to where He wants you to be requires a lot of stretching, and that generally entails discomfort and pain...This life is an experience of profound trust-trust in Jesus Christ."
I was stretched and it was hard, but I can't deny that we've seen miracles this week as we trusted in our Savior!!  The first miracle happened at the end of the day on Tuesday.  I was doing a bit better, but still struggling.  So, we had like 15-20 minutes left before we had to get in at 9:00, and we decided to walk Main Street.  Well, as we were walking, there was a man we stopped and talked to...who wasn't interested at all.  Just like everyone else that day.  We kept walking, and not a minute later we hear someone calling from behind us, "Are you Mormons?"  We turned around and saw a cute little family flagging us down.  The mom started telling us all about her best friend who is a Mormon and how much she loves them and Utah and everything.  She was hands down the nicest lady I've ever met on the street!  They moved from Oregon not too long ago and the ward there helped them move.  They were so grateful!  Then, she starts talking about how she doesn't smoke, drink alcohol or coffee, and how they decided a while ago they were going to do 'the Mormon food storage.'  She asked where the church was and for a Book of Mormon "because hers was in storage.." and on and on.  Sister Miller and I were practically speechless.  Then a member popped into my mind and I told her she was totally like this member in our ward and she was super excited and wrote down all of her into and everything and said for the member to call her so they could get together.  Holy cow!!  Crazy!!  And to top it off, before we left, their eight year old daughter whispered in her mom's ear and asked her if she could give us free hugs.  Which she did.  Super cute!!  They totally live in our area, and I'm just so excited to see what happens from here.  But even if they end up not being interested, it was exactly what I needed to strengthen my faith.  What a tender mercy from the Lord!
Then, on Friday, Sister Miller was like, not having a very good day either...what was up with that?  Really!  Satan... But, it made for another miracle, or two!!  We contacted a potential couple we met on the street, and they invited us in and we had an awesome first lesson with them!! :)  Hooray!!  The first new investigators we've found this whole transfer! :)   When we were walking home on Main Street we were talking with people, and we see this guy smoking a cigarette see us and smile, so we stopped him and were like, "we're Mormons" and he was totally like, "hey, yeah I grew up Mormon"  and proceeded to tell us about how he graduated from a school in Utah and went on a mission and got back two years ago and he moved into our area I'm not sure how long ago.  Um... What?!?  He gave us all of his info as well, and we found out some members in our ward know his parents, so they are going to talk to them and do some investigating!  I've definitely found that as we've shown the Lord we are willing to talk with everyone, He's placed prepared people in our path.  
The Lord's timing and plan is incredible!  I'm so grateful for the hard times that we've had as a companionship, because that is what has helped us grow the most, and we've really been blessed for continuing on and trusting God.  I love being a missionary and am so grateful for all the experiences I've had that I've been able to learn from.  I feel my faith growing stronger and my desire to share the gospel is increasing!  And what is more, we were given a challenge by President Stoker that will continue to increase my faith.  But first of all, I've got to say that this challenge came right when I was finishing the Book of Mormon for the second time on my mission, which was wonderful!  So, the challenge... is to read the whole Book of Mormon by October 21st.  It started last week, and it has been so great to read, read, read the Book of Mormon!!!  I've already learned so much, and I'm excited to keep on going!  

Overall, just an incredible week!!  And I trust that the next one will be as well.  Jam packed though with exchanges, zone conference, and transfer calls and all...  Bring it on!! :)  Hope you have a fantastic week as well, fam!!!  Love you so much!!!

Ether 12:6
Sister Bergeson :)

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