Monday, July 1, 2013

From Bucksport, Maine, July 1, 2013

Hello Hello!

I can't believe that I already get to email you again!  This week has been fantastic, I can hardly believe it.  I really don't even know where to begin.  I love being a missionary :)  I have already experienced so many miracles.  So many.  Let's see, so it all started on Tuesday. 
Tuesday we were going around trying to contact formers and less-actives in the Bucksport area, and towards the end of the day we decided to try and contact a media referral.  So we went to the house and Kaila opened the door.  She was really surprised to see us, but she was nice and let us in.  We ended up talking to her for a long time, and I just can't believe how open she is to learning about the gospel.  She has had a really, really hard life, but has came out well despite the horrible circumstances.  She is 23 and has the cutest little baby girl ever!  We just love them.  She has been searching for religion and said she was on google trying to look up different faiths and she saw that our church would give her a free bible, so she put in her information.  Quite the miracle!  We taught her about God and prayer, and how family oriented the gospel is.  She has such a desire to learn, and she even said a prayer at the end of our talk with her and she said she felt butterflies in her stomach and she was just so happy.  She doesn't have very many friends at all, and she just stays at home all day with her baby while her husband is at work.  She wants friends and a loving community, and she told us that it was a miracle that we came to her door.  We taught her and her husband the restoration with an awesome member on Friday, and Kaila had done a whole bunch of reading from the Book of Mormon and the pamphlets that we gave her and she said that she just couldn't get enough of it.  Then, she came to church with us on Sunday!!!  And she loved it :)  It is amazing to see the spirit working in people's lives.  I am so grateful for her, she is such an example to me!  That was definitely my miracle of the week!
Sister Wallentine and I get along so well!  I am so glad that she is my trainer, and I have learned so much from her already.  We have the same kind of humor and our personalities are super similar.  Needless to say, we need to work on focusing a little bit, but at least there is never a dull moment :)  We have also got along great with the branch members!  They have so much enthusiasm for missionary work, and they are so funny!  I can't believe how willing to help they are, even if some of them live so far away from us. We had dinner with the Branch President's family yesterday, and guess what?  They are huge basketball players!  Sister Wallentine is too!  So we are definitely going to use that as a missionary tool.  We are playing with them today even :)  I'm really excited! This area has certainly been prepared for us! 
We have also taught a couple less actives who are really nice.  One of them has such a hard life and I really want to help her, but it is her daughter.  I've definitely been learning that on the outside things may look alright, but when you really get to know someone things are not how they may seem.  As a missionary, I'm sure I'll get to experience this a lot, and it is hard.  I am so blessed!  I just want to do as much as I can to help others come closer to Christ and be happier!  Oh yeah, I met my first nutcase!  He said that he saw God and Christ and they appear to him and talk to him, and he has also seen the devil.  He also mentioned that he was doing crystal meth at that time.  Yep, quite the interesting fellow! 
Another cool miracle was that we were walking around trying to contact formers and we were led to this super nasty trailer park, and we met two construction guys there that we talked to.  I didn't have too much hope for good conversation at first, but we learned that one of the workers was actually a less-active member!  It was so crazy!  He was really open to us talking to him, and we came back and set up a time for an appointment :)  The bad news is that he lives in Mass. and will only be out here for another week or so.  But at least we got the chance to find him! 
I also went on an exchange to the Brewer area this weekend, which was quite the experience!  We visited a super sweet member, drove to see an older woman in the hospital with a member who was the craziest driver ever.  And ate dinner at a member's home, which was delicious!  My first member meal was there in Brewer :)  It is so great being a missionary!  The people here are so nice, and Maine is beautiful!  It is like driving through the canyon everywhere you go, and there is water at almost every turn.  Last Monday we went to this gorgeous overlook of the ocean in Bar Harbor, and we went into a cave right next to the coast!  It was beautiful! 
Overall, I am just so grateful!  I know that I am being watched over and protected by my Heavenly Father, and He truly has prepared people for us to teach.  It is amazing seeing people's lives change for the better already, and we have only been here for two weeks!  We have so many ideas for fun things we can do to get the branch involved, and I am just excited to continue working here in this great area!
I hope you are all doing wonderful, and I love getting your letters!  Continue on in faith family! :)
Sister Jessica Bergeson

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