Monday, August 5, 2013

Aug. 5, 2013 Bucksport, Maine

Hello family!                                                           Aug. 5, 2013
I am so glad to hear that you are home safe from your fun trip! :)  I hope you had a great time on the west coast!  The east coast has been pretty great!  I still can't get over how pretty it is here.  The weather has started to cool down a bit, and I just can't wait for fall!  I am so grateful that I can see the leaves change in such a pretty area of the country :)  I can't believe it has been two months from today that I left from the MTC.  So much has happened, and I've just loved it!
It's most certainly not easy to be a missionary though!  I've definitely seen that thoughts are so crucial in how my attitude is for the day and week.  One little negative thought about myself can turn into more and more, and then my mind is not focused on the work.  It's been something that has been and I'm sure will be a continuous struggle, but what is amazing is that it forces me to work through it and I've grown a lot from it.  It helps that my companion is amazing, encouraging, and supportive of me.  And it helps even more that I have my Savior who loves me more than anyone and who wants to help me every step of the way not matter how big or small the trial.  There is a great hymn that I've been thinking about lately that I thought I'd share with you, called Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me.  The first verse goes like this:
Jesus, Savior, pilot me over life's tempestuous sea; unknown waves before me roll, hiding rock and treacherous shoal.  Chart and compass came from thee: Jesus, Savior, pilot me.
Although I will never be able to see what is ahead, I know that the Lord has already gone before me, which gives me so much comfort :)  I feel so renewed every time that I turn to the Lord and ask for help, and that is what has made this week so wonderful!!
But first, I'll get the bad news out of the way.  One morning we had an ambulance and policemen pull up next to our apartment and carry our next door neighbor out on a gurney.  She had a seizure, which was pretty scary, but she is doing alright now.  She is a member of the church and so sweet!  It was a crazy way to start out the day though!  Sister Wallentine and I have had some pretty abnormal things happen while we have been here, that's for sure!  We are really glad that she is ok, and hopefully they can figure out why she had one. 
For the good news....Joe (Kaila's husband) has a baptismal date!!! :) :) :)  Kaila is the most amazing person ever, and she has changed so much already because she has truly applied the gospel in her life.  She recognizes it and she wanted to share it with her husband, so that is what she did!  She taught him how to pray and they pray together every morning and night and she also reads a scripture passage with him every morning.  They have been working on their marriage, and Joe said that he has seen a big change as they have been praying, reading, and communicating more openly with each other.  We had a lesson with both of them at a member's house, and the spirit was so strong.  Joe wants what Kaila has and he is willing to work for it!  Also, we have officially taught Kaila all of the missionary lessons, and she has her interview on Wednesday!  We love talking with her and it is crazy how much more we learn about her each time.  She is only 22 years old and she has had such a hard life, but she isn't bitter about it.  She has grown so much from all of her past experiences and it has lead her to where she is right now.  She is such a great example to me, and I am so happy and grateful that I will be able to see her get baptized!! :)
This week we have also done a whole lot of service, and I love it!  It feels great to get involved in the communities and meet new people :)  We help at the library in Castine, at the Catholic Church community meal in Bar Harbor, and we helped a member's friend move. It's been a lot of fun!  I've been studying about charity and love this week and I've seen my love for others grow as I serve them.
I love you so much family, and I'm so grateful for all the service you have done for me my whole life!  Keep looking for ways to help those around you and you will see blessings! 
Sister Bergeson :)

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