Monday, February 24, 2014

Feb. 24, 2014, Bethel, Maine

Nearer My God to Thee

Hey, hey family!! :)                              Feb. 24, 2014

I hope that you had a fantastic week!  I can't believe that Heather is 17 years old!!  Holy cow, time flies!!  I hope she had a wonderful birthday! :)  This week has been very exciting, and amazing, and also kind of sad, but overall, one of the best weeks I've had on my mission!! :) 

We taught 15 lessons this week!!  The most that I've ever taught in a week alone.  We even had people have to cancel with us because of the snow storm that came through.  We are teaching amazing people, and we have been finding new people as well.  This area is fantastic and although it has its challenges (I still can't believe how spread out it is, I've probably been to only 1/3 of my area), the Lord needs work done here!!  People are being prepared, and it is great to see!!  We are teaching a Guatemalan family who is doing very well, and a couple single sisters and a single man, who are all great!  Our newest new investigator, Ester just finished reading the Book of Mormon, and she loved it!  She read it all in 3 weeks.  What a miracle, and she really likes us coming over :)  We are also teaching some pretty great less-active members, who have strong testimonies, but who need some more love.  I just love being able to testify to all those we teach about the gospel, it has strengthened my testimony so much.  I most certainly have had my struggles feeling comfortable in teaching situations and being brave enough to open my mouth, but I know that if I keep working at it I will be blessed for my efforts.  I have already seen that. 

It was especially apparent on Saturday.  That day was probably the best day I've ever had on my mission.  We taught six lessons back to back and the spirit was so strong in all of them.  The first lesson we had a potential investigator was there, which was awesome, but I was really quiet and didn't add much to the lesson.  I didn't feel like I could add anything to what Sister Smedley and the member that was there were saying.  It was hard.  That is something that I've had to learn to be o.k. with.  No matter how much experience I have had, teaching and missions in general are still hard.  It doesn't mean that I haven't learned anything, it just means that Heavenly Father needs me to grow more.  Grow closer to Him.  Have more faith.  And the way to do that is to do hard things.  We have a quote on our door that says, "If you want to have a faith promoting experience, do something that requires faith."  That is so true.  That lesson was hard, and after I needed to have a bit of a release, but I learned from it and I allowed it to shape the rest of my day.  The next five lessons I felt like I was able to testify with power through the spirit.  Sister Smedley and I were more unified than we have ever been, and the whole day just flowed.  However, that night was also transfer calls.  And we got a call.  I am staying as senior companion, and Sister Smedley is leaving.  I am so sad that Sister Smedley and I won't have another transfer together, but I will always remember the 6 weeks I have been able to serve with her.  She is such a great example to me and we got along so well right from the start.  Loads of laughing and crying, and just breathing.  I love her, and although it's sad, I have changed the way I view my mission and grown closer to God because of her.  I'm so grateful for her and I just love her so much!!  It's been awesome!!  Oh yeah, we also got to play our violin duet in Sacrament meeting on Sunday!! :)  It was really special and I felt the spirit so strong!! I am so grateful for that opportunity to use our talents! :)

This transfer we totally had a theme, and it was Nearer My God to Thee.  That was the first and last song we sang together for comp study, it was the cd we listened to practically the whole transfer, and we both worked on our prayers throughout our time together.  I feel like I have grown so much closer to my Heavenly Father as I have relied on Him and more sincerely prayed to Him.  Prayer is such an incredible tool, and I know that miracles result from heartfelt prayers. 

So, tomorrow we need to wake up super early and head down to transfer meeting with a super awesome member who volunteered to drive us all the way down there.  I'm excited to meet my new companion and work hard this coming week, and I know that no matter what I'll continue to learn and grow.  Change is hard, but always worth it!! :)  Still all my song shall be, nearer my God to thee :)

Love you all and have a great week!!
Sister Bergeson

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