Monday, May 12, 2014

Bethel Maine May 12, 2014

Expect Miracles!
Hey Hey Family!! :)                            May 12, 2014

It was just the greatest thing ever to be able to talk to all of you yesterday!! :)  Loved it so, so, sooooo much!  Ahh, yep!  You're just the best!  So, even though I did just talk with you, I still want to fill you in a tad bit more about this amazing and crazy week!  First of all, it is totally BEAUTIFUL outside!!  The grass is super green and the trees are finally starting to get their leaves!  It's been a wait, but it has totally been worth it! :)  Hooray for spring!  
So, this week went by fast, but slow at the same time.  Just a lot of things went on.  We were able to do a lot of service this week and saw great things come of it!  We cleaned a basement, moved a couch, swept up sand off a driveway (one of my new least favorite chores...), and volunteered at the library.  It was great to be able to help so many people, and hearts were really softened by it.  I love being able to help others, even when it is something that really isn't my favorite thing to do, their gratitude makes it way rewarding!  

We had a zone meeting this week which was just fantastic!  We have extremely dedicated zone leaders and they always have such great goals for us.  They talked to us a lot about miracles.  Having the faith to see miracles, acting in faith, and then expecting them to come.  It was great to be able to focus on, and it really made me reflect on my mission so far.  I've been so blessed to be able to see a lot of miracles happen in the past almost year, and they come at the time I need them.  Miracles big and small happen everyday and it is great to look back and see how the hand of the Lord was there.  In this mission every night we write down in our planners a miracle that we saw that day, and it has made me a lot more aware of them.  Our zone goal is to pray every morning to see miracles throughout the day.  It has been amazing as we've done it and really paid attention to the events of the day because well, there are just so many miracles!! :)  We've been able to meet a lot of new nice people and our investigator Katy is doing really well, and Sheny came to the baptism and church, and it has just been very neat!  It kind of felt like I lost appreciation or just didn't really pay attention to the small miracles that happen throughout the day, and it has been a breath of fresh air looking forward seeing them every day!  

So, the baptism!  The double baptism didn't work out as planned due to some word of wisdom issues, but Jessica was baptized on Saturday and everything went so well!  She was super excited and her dad and her dad's girlfriend even came to support her!  It was awesome!  The youth are super supportive of her and so are her leaders.  The program ran smoothly and the super last minute musical number we threw together worked out great, thankfully!  It has been such a blessing to be able to play the violin so much on my mission!! :)  Overall, things went great!  On Sunday she was confirmed and her dad came to that as well!  However, things got kinda crazy from then on out.  During Sunday School she went outside with her cousin who is a member and not super good example and were goofing off on a hill when she fell and did something to her neck or back.  She ended up getting taken to the hospital in an ambulance.  It was pretty scary, but we've heard that everything is alright.  Hopefully she's learned her lesson and won't ever skip part of church again! That was just quite the experience!  
Alright, well I hope that you all have a super fantastic week!! :)  Love you so, so much!!!

There can be miracles when you believe!! 
Sister Bergeson :)

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