Monday, March 3, 2014

March 3, 2014 Bethel, Maine

In Process

Family!!                 March 3, 2014

Hello, hello! :)  I hope that you had an amazing week!!  This one has been extremely busy, but awesome!  So, I guess that I'll get right to it.  (Well, actually I've got to say first that although the weather is still cold, there hasn't been a lot of snow, and it is actually getting lighter outside!!  SUN! The promise of spring doesn't seem as many decades away!! :)  Hooray!!) 

Alright, so before I talk about transfers I have to say that Monday was super awesome!  We went and saw a bunch of people so Sister Smedley could say goodbye, then we went to a less active member's house and ate dinner with her and her daughter and did family home evening.  It was our first lesson with them and we had heard that her daughter wouldn't talk about the church, but when the time came for the lesson she stayed and even participated in it!!  It was so cool to see her heart softening, and I am grateful that we were able to have such a great lesson with them!! :) 

Now for transfers.  Sister Smedley and I got to go to transfer meeting in Manchester, New Hampshire, which meant that we needed to wake up at the crack of dawn and also that we needed to leave Maine.  That was such a weird feeling, leaving Maine.  I hadn't done that for almost 9 months.  Crazy!  I just love Maine, and I'm glad that I got to go back to it :)  After I found out who my new companion was, of course!  And that new companion is... Sister May!! :)  Pretty much awesome!  So, cool story.  Once upon a time I was serving in Ellsworth.  While serving there, I was told by the branch president and his wife (the Dauks) that their niece got called to serve in this mission.  They were so excited.  Their niece is Sister May.  Small world.   It has been so good already!!  We get along well and we have been working really hard in this area, because there is a lot of good work to do.

I have never been so busy!  We were able to teach more lessons than I have ever taught in one week!  Eight of those lessons were member present lessons!  The ward is hitting the pavement when it comes to missionary work.  Testimony meeting was all about it on Sunday!! :)  The spirit was so strong!  The members are really helping us out, and it is so great :)  We were even able to have three member meals! We were also able to pick up a solid new investigator who has been going to church for a year and has already read the Book of Mormon.  Also, we set a baptismal date with our investigator Adan for March 29! :)  We made a lot of progress with our investigators and less-actives this week and I wish that I had time to tell you all about them!  I just feel so blessed to have so many amazing and strong people that are now apart of my life.  Their examples and testimonies have changed me. 

Change.  I feel like that has kind of been a theme for this past week.  A lot of the lessons that we taught our investigators were about the gospel of Jesus Christ and how He can change us if we allow him too.  We also taught a lesson to Sheny and Luis about conversion.  We watched the talk Be Ye Converted by Bonnie L. Oscarson, and it was very powerful.  I like how she talks about conversion being a process, not an event.  She says, "Being truly converted means we are acting upon what we believe and allowing it to create "a mighty change in us, or in our hearts.""  I know that as I have continued to learn more about the gospel and do what God would have me do my faith increases step by step.  And then the more my faith increases, the stronger desire I have to share the gospel with others.  As I was studying this morning I found a great example of this in the book of Alma, chapter 19 which is the story of Ammon and King Lamoni. Verses 16-17 introduce Abish. She is someone who was converted and had the chance to share her testimony with others.  And in verse 17 it talks about her running from house to house to let people know what had happened to The king and queen and their servants so they could come and see for themselves and believe in the power of God.  She saw the opportunity and literally ran with it!  What a great example to me! :)  I am so grateful that I have this chance on a mission to declare the restored gospel and invite others to see for themselves!  I like what it says in True to the Faith about conversion.  "You have primary responsibility for your own conversion.  No one can be converted for you, and no one can force you to be converted.  However, others can help you in the process of conversion."  I am so grateful for the examples I've had in my life and on my mission that have helped me in my conversion process, and I am so grateful that I can help others as well! 

I love you so much and I am grateful for the impact that you all have in my continued conversion!  Have a fantastic week!! :) 

Remember to look up!
Sister Bergeson :)

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