Monday, March 31, 2014

March 31, 2014 Bethal Maine

United we Stand
Hey fam!                              March 31,2014

I hope that you have all had a wonderful week of spring over there!  Our spring is looking a little bit on the snowy side still, but hey, it has been melting a bit!  Well, actually a lot.  One thing that I have been informed of is that Maine has a fifth season.  It is called- mud season. Boy do I believe it!  Already after having one warm day there were HUGE puddles in the road.  The members told us to expect a lot of flooding.  The road that we live on gets flooded a lot I guess and so does the road that we regularly travel to get to members and investigators.  That should be pretty exciting!  We'll see how it all goes.   But, at this point I'll be happy to get that instead of snow :) 

So, where to begin with this past week?  It was pretty crazy!  We started it out by teaching our investigator Arleen the stop smoking program.  It went really well.  I love her so much and she is so strong!  She seemed pretty hesitant about it all at first, but by the end she was more determined.  It has been really cool to see her through the week and talk about how she is doing and how much she is relying on the Lord to do it, even though it is hard.  She did have one cig once, but she rededicated herself to stopping again, so we keep on praying for her and keeping in regular contact with her.  Sister Lilly has also been such a huge help with all of this.  She is one of the best member missionaries ever.  She is always working with people and sharing the gospel with them bit by bit.  It is amazing to see!  The examples of the members out here have changed me so much!  I'm so blessed to have been able to serve in the greatest ward and branch out here!! :) 

The excitement has also been building and building for... ADAN'S BAPTISM!!  He is doing amazing!!  We were able to have a great lesson with him about baptism and confirmation and he had a great interview on Thursday!  He has a lot of support from his aunt and uncle, Sheny and Luis, and we're all so happy that it is coming up soon! :)  He had practically no religious background before we started teaching him, and it has been great to see how much the gospel has truly blessed him!  I'm so grateful that I've got to be apart of his conversion! :)  

The rest in-between has been pretty crazy!  We keep quite busy, it is great!!  We went to Rumford which was great. We had a lesson with Michael, and helped brighten his spirits-he hasn't been doing super great, but he hasn't given up hope! District Meeting was amazing!  All about teaching others about Easter.  Easter!!  I can't believe that it is coming up, I am so excited!!  We were able to go on exchange with our sister training leaders, which was great!  I love exchanges!  I stayed in Oxford with Sister Davis, a sister that was is my first zone.  I love her so much, and we had a great time and got a lot of good things done!  And then, to top it all off- The General Women's Meeting!!  I felt the spirit so strongly!  The music and words were so touching! I'm so grateful for the opportunity to hear from our inspired leaders! 

I loved the themes of unity and covenant-keeping throughout the meeting!  I feel like it was exactly what I needed to hear.  I've been thinking a lot about service and helping others along the path.  Breaking down barriers and looking outside myself is something that I have continually been working on and it is quite the process.  Very up and down, but I've been seeing growth the more I try to stick with it.  I'm just so glad that Heavenly Father doesn't leave us down here to do everything alone.  We are all brothers and sisters and we can strengthen and lift each other closer to Christ.  I have definitely seen that as I think about the relationship that we have as a family.  I have also seen that with my companions!  I'm so grateful for companions!!  I've really learned the importance of being open and honest and how crucial it is to rely on each other!  The more united we are the better we teach and serve and everything else because the spirit is there :)  I especially love teaching with Sister May!  It has been amazing!  We both care and love the people that we have the opportunity to share the gospel with and uplift, and we work together :)  I'm just so grateful for the opportunity that I have to serve and teach!  It has been a blessing as I have been able to see the ward become even more united as new members join!  That is exactly how it should be! :)  The more the merrier!  The principles of the gospel are so true!  I just love it so much! 

Also, I am soooooooooooo  excited for General Conference!!  I can hardly wait!  I've been studying past conference talks in preparation and I know that those who speak are inspired of God.  I'm also grateful for the chance we have to invite others to watch as well and feel uplifted and strengthened! 

I hope that you have a fantastic week and have a fantastic conference weekend!! I love you so, so much! 

"Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren (and sisters! :)) to dwell together in unity!" (Psalms 133:1)
Sister Bergeson :)

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