Monday, June 9, 2014

June 9, 2014 Bethel, Maine


Dear, dear family!                           June 9, 2014

I hope that you've all had a super fantastic week!! :)  I can't even believe that it is June.  Nope can't.  This year has gone by so fast.  Last year I was in the MTC, and pretty much had absolutely no idea what I was doing.  Even though I still feel like that sometimes, so many amazing things have happened!  I never could have guessed the experiences that were in store for me while at my stay in the MTC!  And I still have 6 months left!! :)  And I'm pretty sure I'll be able to spend around two more in this beautiful area!!  I still haven't got used to how pretty it is here!  It is starting to get really warm too, which has been nice, but it means the heat and humidity will be coming in full force soon, so we'll see how that goes..   So, this week has been busy and blurry, so we'll see how much I'm able to recall.  Overall though, I feel like it was good :)

Last Monday was pretty fun!  After our P-day we drove the three hours down to Manchester to stay the night in the mission home for the new missionary training meeting that was on Tuesday.  That was an exciting ride.  GPS's here take you the weirdest ways!  We were travelling through all these super boonie towns, but it was BEAUTIFUL!! :)  I was really glad it decided not to take us down the super busy road.  Even though we had to get there eventually.  It was so weird driving with a lot of cars around me on a highway.  I'm so not used to it anymore.  The whole time I've been in Bethel I've never driven in a 2 lane road or faster than 55 miles an hour.  There are only like 3 stop lights in my whole area that I've ever seen.  So yeah, driving in a city- an experience.  I went through my first toll as well, which was fun :)  Another highlight was staying in the mission home, because I didn't get to when I first came out because there were so many other sisters.  Pretty neat! :)  The training meeting on Tuesday was exactly what I needed.  Always great to have a boost from the spirit :)  It was long, but we were able to talk about a lot of great things.  My favorite was when the trainers were able to pretty much have a forum with President Stoker.  It was great being able to talk with him and the other sisters (there are 3 other trainers this transfer, all sisters!) about our new missionaries and how to be the best trainers that we can for them.  I feel like I've been putting way too much pressure on myself sometimes and not letting Sister Banda have more responsibility.  That is something that I've been working hard on.  Also, we talked about giving a whole lot of encouragement and praise along with and constructive loving comments as directed by the spirit.  I know for me, being trained I needed a lot of positive pick me ups, so that is what I've been trying to do for Sister Banda :)  She is doing really, really well!! It has been great to see her grow, and she has so much love for all the people that we teach!  It is awesome seeing her receive revelation for them and becoming more confident in herself and in the spirit.  Lessons are flowing much better!!  Good stuff!! :)  After that meeting we drove back home, and boy that was a long ride.  When we got home I was plum pooped!!  I still feel like I'm trying to recover from that adventure, busy busy!

So, as far as our investigators, we had quite a few lessons fall through this week, which was a bummer, but what has been awesome-Michael!!  He is doing so, so well!  He has such a strong desire to be baptized and he has been working a lot on the word of wisdom :)  He is switching out his coffee for herbal tea, and he said that the taste of coffee is starting to disgust him!  It has been amazing to see his determination!  He had a great time at church this week as well, so he is progressing great! :)  Andrea on the other hand is kind of struggling with the word of wisdom.  She doesn't have that desire to give up alcohol.  That is what I've learned when it comes to following the commandments, desire is KEY!  And the thing is, there is no way that we can make someone desire something, they have to make that decision all on their own.  Agency is such a gift and blessing, but boy it certainly can cause road blocks sometimes!  Also, this week we met Sister McLaren's mom who will be staying with them for some time, and she is super great!  The McLarens were at church on Sunday!!!!! :)  It was so great to see them there, and Sacrament meeting seemed like it was just for them.  The spirit was so strong :)  I love church so much, it is always the boost I need to keep going the rest of the week!

And I really felt like I needed it this week.  We've been working hard and trying to find new investigators, especially using the Restoration pamphlet's pictures (that pamphlet is SWEET!!), but haven't really seen results yet.  It has been quite a while since we've had a new investigator in this area, and we've been praying and working hard, so I got kind of discouraged this week.  I also feel like I got a lot more stressed than usual.  It just wasn't the greatest with finding and a lot of appointments cancelled on us, so yep.  Just one of those weeks, but I definitely think it helped me see I need to work on being patient!  I can't compare my results with other missionaries, and I can't expect the blessings I want to come immediately because that doesn't bring happiness!  I need to slow down and let God take care of His work!  He knows exactly what needs to happen and when, and He knows what experiences I need to grow.  I just have to put my trust in Him and breathe.  Sister Lilly talks about breathing all the time, and she keeps saying that three deep breaths go a long way!  And I've definitely been able to see that they do!  I know that I need to do all I can, but sometimes what is most effective is to slow down and breathe.  Re-center.  Turn to God, and then keep moving forward!  Yep!  That is what I'll be working on this week! 

I've been reading in the New Testament this week, which has been great, and I found a great scripture about the Savior.  In Mark 2:35 it says, "And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed in to a solitary place, and there prayed."  Even Christ needed that time to breathe and talk to His Father.  I'm so grateful for prayer!  How amazing to be able to communicate with Him constantly!  On my mission so far I'd say that prayer and the scriptures have been my greatest tools.  I've grown so much because of them, and have had the opportunity to share them with others and see them grow as well.  What an honor! 

Well, I hope that you all have a fantastic week!! :)  Love you bunches, and...

Remember to breathe!!
Sister Bergeson :)

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