Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Bethel, Maine July 7, 2014

Never Stop
Family!                           July 7, 2014

Hey, so I hope that you all had a super great week, especially with it being Independence Day and everything! :)  I can't believe it has already come and gone, so quick, quick, quick!!  But well, a tad bit slow at the same time.  This week kinda dragged a little bit, especially with the weather.  At the beginning of the week it uber hot and humid.. no good (we did buy a fan though, so yay! I like fans.)  And then it totally got really rainy windy nasty.  The weather... I know I talk about it too much, but pretty much that is the first thing people talk to us about here so it's kinda become second nature. 

Anyways, getting into this past week, it was super great overall, definitely ups and downs, but I feel like I learned a lot :)  That is the most important thing!  So, I feel like our investigators have been at this crossroads of whether or not to act or just be acted upon.  Arleen is right there.  She totally has a testimony, but is still working on her conversion.  We've been pretty bold with her, and she knows that she needs to make some changes and decisions, but well, it feels like she is waiting it out as long as she can.  It is sad to see her kind of deciding to settle for what she's got instead of striving for more, but she'll get there!  We've just got to be patient with her.  Other investigators cancelled on us and really aren't showing as many signs of progression.  I love them so much, but it is always such a bummer when they cancel!  But, we'll keep trying to set up appointments with them.  Then, there is Michael, who is doing super well!  He really has a desire to be baptized, but right now tobacco and coffee are his biggest stumbling blocks.  It is going to be hard for him to quit.  I know that he can do it, and he knows too, but it will take time, and he's going to have to keep re-committing himself over and over again.  On top of the investigators we have, there are less-active members who are slipping, which has been hard.  Especially when they are recent converts.  But everything happens in the Good Shepherd's timing. He will take care of His sheep! 

So, yep, if you haven't noticed I've been thinking a lot about patience lately.  It has kinda been the theme for the week.  There are so many things that I can't control, even though I'd like to, but I just have to hand it to the Lord and let Him take care of it.  I just need to make sure I'm focusing on the things I can control!  Like, my reactions.  On Tuesday, everything fell through.  We had 3 1/2 hours of roads planned for back ups, and it was extremely hot and humid outside.  I'm not gonna lie, I started thinking of other things we could do, or anything to get out of the heat.  In the end though we went to the road and well, went for it.  It ended up being suuuuppppeeerrr boonie and we walked and walked and there were only 3 houses we saw and no one was interested.  We were really sweaty and thirsty, but off we went to a connecting road, and boy did we see miracles!!  The first person we talked to became a new investigator!  We taught her the Restoration and she was super open and nice :)  Then we went on to find 5 potential investigators, one of them let us in and gave us a bunch of water, too :)  Really needed!!  That 3 1/2 hours taught me that there is no substitute for diligence.  It was really cool, in the middle of our journey we found a sweet stop sign.  Someone had added the word don't above the word stop.  (Totally reminded me of all AF and the stop sign craze that went down)  I just loved it!  I know that the Lord blessed us for our work, even though we had to wait a bit to see it. 

Another miracle we saw happened yesterday.  We went to ward council and got some sad news about a recent convert and learned that a huge portion of our area will probably be given to another ward, so we'd be left with a not very populated area.  I was feeling down and overwhelmed.  But in Sacrament meeting I feel like I got the perspective I needed.  I've got to look at the big picture!  I can't slow down because of what is going on around me.  I need to do my utmost in serving to my fullest capacity.  So, after church we went to where I thought we had planned to do some finding, which actually turned out not to be where we were planning at all.  Whoops!  I was not super motivated to find at that point in time especially since we were in the wrong area, but well, that is what happened.  I just had to tell myself that motivation follows action and we just parked and headed to the nearest house we could see.  Miracle!!  We found a man who was super willing to hear the message of the Restoration and became a new investigator :)  He was even wearing a Moab, Utah shirt :)  His sister lives there and he's visited her quite a few times.  What a sweet blessing!  I know Heavenly Father is aware of me and my struggles as silly as they are, and He will always come to me when I seek Him, in His time.

Yep, His timing is something I'll never figure out, but I don't need too.  It's all part of the plan.  I loved my New Testament study in Mark this week.  In chapter 6 verses 45-51,  the Savior teaches his disciples patience among other things.  They were toiling, struggling to stay in their ship during a huge storm in the middle of the sea.  It was hard, and they certainly had to work to keep from drowning.  I don't quite know what I would have done in their position.  All the while, the Lord was watching and not until the fourth watch of the night did he come unto them, miraculously walking on the water, to tell them "Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid."  Then the wind ceased.  What a night for those disciples!  I wonder if they questioned why the Lord didn't come to them sooner.  But, I know that though difficult, it was exactly what they needed.  They didn't stop.  They kept pushing on, and they were saved.  I know that that is exactly what I need to do on my mission and throughout the rest of my life.  It is challenging, but the Lord is always there watching, waiting for me to be ready to let Him come and assist me so I can learn to rely more on Him.  I love the teachings of the Savior, I've learned so much about Him and from Him as I've studied His life! And I know I've only skimmed the surface. 

I'm so grateful for everything I've been learning on my mission!  I know that the Lord is shaping me into who He wants me to be.  I've just got to keep on going!  And when I fall, pick myself right back up!  I know the gospel brings the greatest happiness, and everything will be worth it in the end.  Have a great week family!  I love you soo much! 

Hebrews 10:36
Sister Bergeson :)

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