Monday, July 21, 2014

July 21, 2014 Bethel, Maine

The Still Small Voice
Family, wonderful family!!                      July 21, 2014

Hope you are all doing well, enjoying summer, and just being awesome!  Pretty much this week kind of has been a different week when it comes to weeks...  Really, pretty different.  Not necessarily good or bad different, but well.  It just threw me off. 

We went on exchanges this week, which was sweet! :)  Love exchanges!!  It was pretty weird to not be in our beautiful Oxford area though.  I went to Yarmouth and Sister Banda stayed here, and can I just say that I'm a super proud momma!! :)  She did super well, and gosh she is just such a thorough and diligent missionary, it is fantastic!! The service we'd planned to go to totally got rescheduled so there was all this time and they did some awesome finding :)  Sweet!  I liked being in Yarmouth to kind of take a step back and breathe, so that was nice.  Also, the sister I was with is totally bomb! :)  Always great to have those just super fun exchanges!!  Totally what I needed, but yep, kind of off throwing. 

Then we had district meeting on Wednesday, which is new.  Normally we have them on Thursdays, but well, everything has gotten all changed up and I will now have to adjust back to Wednesday.  Funny how that is such a big change as a missionary, almost comical, but yep, totally different.  Afterword's, we went to a member's house that we'd never been to before.  She is pretty careful about who comes because she is allergic to smells, like super duper bad, but we were finally able to get in! :)  It went really well, and she is just the most awesome lady, I love her so much!  It was great getting to know her better and show her the new familysearch website :)  We also learned about some incredible things that she does for the ward (like buying stamps and birthday cards for all the sisters in the ward, including those who are less active, so like, 200!).  I just love the love that these members have for the gospel and for each other!!  Also, we sang her a song before we left and I'm still debating about whether or not that was a good thing to do.  She was super determined to let us know that we were good singers and said that we should sing in sacrament meeting.  Two days later we get a text asking if we would sing a song in church.  Um... well, it happened and I am still alive.  Holy smokes!  It was scary, but kind of fun.  I was super grateful to have Sister Banda who has a gorgeous voice, and overall, it was a good experience.  I even did a little solo part. Added stress for the weekend? Yes, yes it was. 

And what a weekend it was.  All starting off with a beautiful dent in our car!  Our landlord accidentally backed into us.  Whoops.  Well, we'll need to be getting that fixed soon, so that will be exciting!  We got some pretty whack news, which I'm still trying to wrap my brain around.  The Rumford/Mexico area is going to a different ward.  That is like half of our area, and 3/4 of our population.  We'll just be covering all the boonie towns.  We'll see how it all goes down.  Also, Friday was the fabulous, famous.......................

MollyOckett Day!!  Well, not too famous, but it was fun!  I can honestly say I was stunned at how many people can be shoved into little, tiny Behel.  I seriously have no clue where all those people came from.  Well, actually that is a lie.  My license plate fascination kind of kicked me in the rear end hard core.  So many cars from different places!  We've officially seen 24 different state license plates in Bethel!!! (And yes, I had Sister Banda write them all down...) There were sooo many from Mass, NH, and VT.  It was pretty exciting.  There was a big parade and vendors and food and all sorts of stuff.  We did a lot of service for the library with their book sale and we also helped clean up garbage in the common throughout the day.  It was such a blast!! :)  We also saw a whole bunch of different people throughout the day.  We saw some we hadn't seen in forever, like Sheny and her family!!  It was good Sister Banda has finally had a chance to meet them.  I miss them so much, but they have their agency.  Hopefully we'll be able to get in with them in the near future!  Overall, that day was insane.  Super fun, but totally exhausting!!  I'm not used to seeing so many people anymore.  I can definitely say I like the peace and quiet better than the loud and busy :) 

I've been thinking about that lately. There are so many different ways to live life, and I want to make sure that no matter where I am, I have a place I can go where I can be still and listen.  With all the crazy stuff that happened this week, the changes and decisions and everything, I'm so grateful for the gift of the Holy Ghost!  He truly is a comforter and a teacher!  I'm so grateful that Heavenly Father has given us the Spirit's guidance as an added tool in our toolbox, and even though I know I can be using it more, when I do use it, it makes all the difference!  Also, I'm super grateful to have gotten a wonderful talk from my wonderful mother at the beginning of the week!  It totally started this thought process, and really helped me through the week :)  "Inspiring Music- Inspiring Thoughts" by President Packer is one of my new favorites!! :)  It talks mainly about music, but so many other things can be added to the list.  I definitely feel recommitted to always try to seek out the uplifting and edifying to have better thoughts and more fully have the spirit with me!! What is so crazy is that the talk was given in 1974, and Satan sure has come at the world with stronger and more subtle ways to deter us from listening to the Holy Ghost since then, that is for sure.  We also talked a lot about the spirit in Relief Society, which was a really great lesson!  I'm so grateful for the chance to be on a mission, more separate from the world, and feel the spirit stronger and recognize it more often than I have my entire life.  I know that with guidance from the still small voice I'll never be led astray. 

Have a fabulous week, love you so much!!

I also love the hymn, Lead Me into Life Eternal (hymn 45),
Sister Bergeson :)

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