Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Aug. 19, 2014 Lyndon, Vermont

I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go
Family!!!!                                 Aug. 18, 2014
I'll get right down to it...this week has been a crazy one.  Real crazy.  Packing up and getting everything out of the Oxford apartment was an adventure, but I did it!  Hooray!  So, Monday was pretty much spent saying goodbye to everyone.  I just love the Oxford ward and everyone in my area that I was able to teach :)  They are just wonderful!  It was sad leaving, especially knowing that I'd be going to transfer meeting in Manchester, NH.  We woke up at 3:20 am Tuesday morning and I said my goodbye's to Oxford, Sister Banda, and also Maine.  I really hoped I'd get transferred back into that wonderful state, but at the same time, I kind of felt that I wouldn't.  Transfer meeting was amazing!  We had a lot of new sisters come in and learned that we're getting a whole lot of other new sisters in next transfer.  I love everything that President Stoker talked to us about, too.  He talked a lot about service and charity.  It was a great reminder to treat people as they out to be and help them be who they can possibly become.  He also talked about how the Lord is hastening His work, and that we need to be in a hurry! Time is so important and I know that I've definitely learned that it is important to use it wisely, even though I'm still not always so good with it.  I also saw a bunch of wonderful people there!  There are some pretty sweet missionaries serving here in New England :)  Anyways, so after the missionaries who were leaving shared their golden truths they learned on their missions and Sister and President Stoker talked to us, it was time to announce transfers.  But wait, we had to sing the song I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go first. AHH!!  I was shaking I was so nervous. Maine is my home, I didn't want to leave, and I just didnt' know what to think.  They announced all the missionaries in Maine first and my name wasn't called.  I was bummed, but then the hymn we sang went through my mind again.  A new adventure awaited me somewhere else.  It is all about how I choose to see the change. It seemed like forever, but eventually, I heard my name and found out where I'd be going.....
LYNDON, VERMONT!!!!!  With a twist..but I'll get to that later.  My new companion is Sister Miller, who I'm sure is officially the shortest sister in the mission.  Anyways, we've got along really well so far, which has been great :)  We've already had a lot of crazy experiences together.  So, the twist is this.  I get the best of both worlds!  The church building we go to is in Vermont, BUT we are actually living in Littleton, NH!! :)  The ward boundaries cross the states :)  How crazy!  So, I was apprehensive about going to my new area at first, but here is the thing.  This place is amazing!  Littleton is the cutest town I've ever seen, and the scenery is even a bit more beautiful than it is in Maine, but in a different way.  I didn't even think that that would be possible.  The White Mountain Region is gorgeous!!!  I pray that I'll be able to be here for the fall!  I can't even imagine what it will look like.  Also, this ward is fantastic!!  I love it so much already!  The people are so welcoming and loving.  The first day I was here a member lent me her violin, crazy!  Also, I've been fed so much this past week and church was just great!  I'm so excited to be here! :) :) :)  I think a big change is what I needed even though I didn't really want it.  We have been doing some great contacting here, it is super touristy, but the people we've talked to who live here have been pretty nice.  Also, Bethlehem is in our area. I thought that was pretty great :)  From Bethel to Bethlehem!  Yep, it's great here!  Love it.
So, the craziness happened when our phone decided to be weird, so we decided to fix it which made everything worse.  It hasn't been working for a couple of days now.  It is so weird not having a phone as a missionary.  I don't know how anyone ever did it.  Luckily the nice lady upstairs has let us use her phone sometimes.  We'll see when we'll get another one.  Hopefully sooner than later! 
Also, an amazing miracle happened at a member meal!  This super awesome couple the Davis's moved into the ward a month or so ago, and they had us over for dinner and invited their neighbor in the apartment below them.  They had met briefly, and decided that they wanted to get to know her better so she was there along with her friend.  They're 20 and 21 years old, and totally awesome!  It was great to get talking with them.  They didn't say much about our name tags or anything until the one who lives below the Davis's, Monica, said that while she was living in Arizona she and her family joined the Mormon church.  WhAt?  It was pretty crazy!  She doesn't remember too much about the church because she was really little, but she was willing to talk to us about it.  The Davis's told about their lives and conversions and that was awesome and brought the spirit really strong, which helped the girls open up and Monica's friend said that she has been trying to find a church to go to for a while now and she really wants religion in her life. They have both had really hard lives, but it was great to see the hope they had when we were leaving.  It was incredible to see God's plan unfold that night. It was a miracle, and strengthened my testimony of God's love for His children.
I'm so grateful to be a missionary!  I can't even wrap my head around how many great people I've met and how many faith promoting experience I've had.  I know that this church is true, no matter where I go.  God truly does have a plan.  Everything happens for a reason, and I know that I need to be here right now!  I love it.
I'll do Thy will with a heart sincere, I'll be what you want me to be!
Sister Bergeson :)

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