Monday, August 4, 2014

Aug. 4, 2014 Bethel, Maine

When One Door Closes, Another Door Opens!

Dear family,                      August 4, 2014
I hope that you had a wonderful week!  So glad to hear you had a good time with Emanuelle and Danny, I hope you told them hi for me!  I bet you had a blast! :)  So, we went to Wal-Mart today (hooray!) and holy smokes!  Back to School supplies were everywhere.  Not allowed.  It's not that time already is it?
Speaking of time, I really don't have very long on the computer today.  So, this week has been kind of not as normal.  Again, we had church in the primary room and it was only one hour.  Kinda crazy, we have no idea when we'll be allowed to use the chapel again.  Also, we got to help a member paint, which was a blast!  Good memories flooded back of helping mom paint our rooms :)  We did lots of finding, and didn't have a super lot of success, but we planted seeds.  Our teaching pool is kinda shrinking, we had two investigators we'd been teaching for awhile move to Massachusetts, which was sad, they're super awesome.  But Michael is doing good, still working on smoking, but he'll get there! 
The highlight of the week was probably our work with less-active members.  We were able to see quite a few, and find some new people.  So, with Rumford it has kind of been crazy.  It is almost official that it will now be in the Auburn Ward.  So, we've had more miles and been able to go to more places.  It has been pretty fun exploring!  In particular we've been able to do good work in Andover, a super teeny town way up north.  But, miracles are happening there!  We had our less-active couple, the McLaren's, move up there recently, and so we've been able to see them more than we thought we would.  Also, we found a less-active member there that hadn't been contacted in years and years, but who has been getting the ensign and watching conference and everything!  He's way nice and super open to letting us come over :)  Then, yesterday was a huge less-active day!  Sister Ripley drove us around to see people for a couple hours than we headed to Bethel for a five hour adventure with Sister Lilly all around Andover and Rumford :)  It was awesome!  Kinda sad because it was our last time going to Rumford (we said goodbye to all the less-actives there and told them they were going to be apart of the Auburn Ward), but our adventures in Andover were sweet!! :)  We met a new move in from California who had been looking for the nearest church and had no clue where to go, so it was great to find her!!  The members we know in Andover have more than doubled in the past couple weeks :)   So, even though it was kinda stressful with everything happening in Rumford/Mexico and our area is much smaller, we've been able to see miracles.  It has been so cool to see the transition in this area, and it will be much different now.  Heavenly Father's plan and timing are so perfect, and although we won't be seeing people in Rumford anymore, we have others we get to focus on! :) 
Also, another miracle was that we were able to get in with Adan!  We gave him a present for his birthday, and he got a ride to church the next day.  It was great to see him there, and he even bore his testimony in Sacrament Meeting! :) 
Overall, it has been so great to serve in this area for so long and see so many things change, good and bad.  I feel like this ward is home, the members and everyone else are just so awesome!! We had a picnic this week and I just felt so much love for everyone there. It's crazy though because the time has come and transfer calls are coming up this Saturday...  The odds aren't really in my favor.  I'll just have to wait and see what happens.. 
Alright, so something that I've seen this week and well throughout life really, is that change isn't that easy for me.  It is just more stress than I'd like to have to deal with.  However, I came across this really awesome quote that has just really changed my perspective. "One's life cannot be both faith-filled and stress-free.  Therefore, how can you and I really expect to glide naively through life, as if to say, 'Lord, give me experience, but not grief, not sorrow, not pain, not opposition, not betrayal, and certainly not to be forsaken.  Keep from me, Lord, all those experiences which made Thee what Thou art!  Then let me come and dwell with Thee and fully share Thy joy!'  Real faith is required to endure this necessary but painful developmental process." Well said, Elder Maxwell, well said. I know that no matter what happens, everything will work out alright if I'll just have faith!  It might take a bit, but new doors will open when others close :) 
Love you so much family!  Have a great week!!
1 Nephi 3:7
Sister Bergeson :)

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