Monday, August 25, 2014

Aug. 25, 2014 Lyndon, Vermont

Lord, I Believe
Hey, hey!!                  Aug. 25. 2014
Happy going back to school week! Hope it is going well for everyone! :)  It has been so great here, but packed. There are tons of tourists coming through for their last summer hurrah's.  I can't get over how pretty it is here.  I really need to be better at taking pictures!  Also, the weather has also been super nice.  It hasn't gotten as hot as it was last summer by a long shot!  The nights get pretty cool and the leaves on the trees are already starting to change a little bit, nuts!  Warning: this day has been super hectic, and this may be pretty jumbled...
So, pretty much this week has been busy, busy!  I've loved getting to know the people here, they are fantastic.  I feel like I've been here forever already!  Smooth transitions are always nice.  Sister Miller and I are a bit crazy together...but it makes life more interesting :)  We've had quite a few adventures already. Our phone got working again, which was great!  We were able to see a bunch of people this past week, too!  We have some pretty amazing people that we're working with, and I've loved teaching them!  We've been doing so much finding and street contacting.  This has been the first area where there have been lots of people everywhere, so it has really been great getting to meet lots of new people.  Not too many stop to talk to us, but once in a while we get a good contact :)  We've also done quite a lot of tracting, and I don't know what it is, but I always, always, without fail choose the extremely hilly roads.  Yep. We definitely get our exercise here!  But well, we also get fed a lot more than other areas I've been in so I've got to be careful!  We were able to do a bunch of stuff with members this week.  We spent the whole day with a girl in the ward who is putting her mission papers in, and it was a blast!!  Her name is Whitney, she just moved into the ward a month or so ago, and she is just fantastic! :)  We were also able to do a lot of service for the Davis family who moved in a month ago as well.  We helped them unpack and organize, which they were really grateful for.  All sorts of people moving to New England! :)  It's pretty great!  Our ward is definitely in a great place for awesome missionary work to take place.  The members are quite focused on the work, and they do so much to help us!  We have a sister who is waiting for her mission call to come, which will be super exciting!!  She is the Young Women's President and just so amazing!!  Also, one family just had their son return from his mission in Portugal last week.  He spoke in church on Sunday, which was pretty funny.  He was really struggling with his English :)  We taught Relief Society on Sunday too, which went super good!  It was really fun, and I learned a lot from Elder Uchtdorf's talk about not sleeping through the Restoration.  As far as our investigators, Stephen came to church!!  Also, Kim who I met for the first time is really wanting to come to church as well and we got a ride all set up for her and everything after she goes through some knee surgery she has to get done.
Alright, so I feel like that was the most unorganized thing ever.  I really want to get to what I've been studying about though!  This week we have Zone Interviews and our mission president asked us to study the Christ-like attributes and prayerfully choose one to work on.  I've been praying and thinking and studying about if for a while and it was really amazing to see how everything has been pointing to one attribute.  First, what I did was think of the opposites of all the attributes and see if there was one I was struggling with the most, and well.  It was pretty obvious to me that I struggle most with fear.  So, faith has been the topic of choice.  I know that I've done so much better overcoming my fears while I've been serving as a missionary, but I know that I still have a long way to go.  It has been cool how my studies have lined up perfectly with faith each day, and I feel like I've learned a lot already.  I'm reading about the Brother of Jared in Ether right now in the Book of Mormon and in the New Testament I'm in Mark 9.  The story in Mark really struck me and I've been pondering it quite a bit.  It is of the man who has a son who has a dumb spirit and comes to Christ to have Him heal the boy.  At first the man is uncertain that Jesus can heal him, but Jesus says, "If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth."  I love the man's reply, "Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief." After that, Jesus healed his son.  What an amazing story! I love how Christ was able to help him grow his faith by having the man proclaim his belief.  I know that when I bear my testimony and share it with others, I'm proclaiming my belief to Christ and through Him, miracles happen!  So why is it so easy to have fear?  I know that the more I trust in the Lord, the more He'll strengthen me and help me through as long as I'm doing all I can.  I'm going to strive to talk with as many people as I can about the gospel regardless of the fears I may have, and I believe that the Lord will lead me to those He is preparing in His time.  I'm so grateful for the scriptures and what I've been able to learn from them, and I'm grateful to have this time to be a missionary and grow my faith!! 
Have a super fantastic week!  Love you so much!!
The future is as bright as your faith! -Pres. Monson
Sister Bergeson :)

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