Monday, October 21, 2013

Oct. 21, 2013 Bucksport Maine

              Ellsworth for Eternity :)
Hello family!                   Oct. 21, 2013
I hope that you have been having a great week!  Hopefully you did lots of fun things for Lizzie's and Mom's birthdays :)  It is great to know that grandpa is recovering well I have been praying for him!  I got your letters today which was really nice :)  You broke our streak though!  Between the three of us nobody had written us anything for a week and a half.  Quite crazy!  It was great hearing from you though, and I'm glad that you are doing well :)
This week has been absolutely crazy!!  I don't even know how to describe it at all.  Just plain insane!!  Alright, where to even begin...
Monday- We had family home evening with a less-active lady and her eight year old daughter.  It was a lot of fun, we painted prayer rocks and really got to know them better.  I'm so grateful for family home evening, it really brings families closer together when they set aside time to do fun and wholesome things with each other.  I'm so grateful that we would have family home evening!! :)
Tuesday- On Tuesday we taught Valerie, our new investigator!  She had been attending a ward in another area for a month with her friend and she likes it a lot so we were sent to teach her!  What a sweet miracle!  She is so nice, but it is kinda a tricky situation though because she is trying to get a divorce and other things.  We are really hoping that she will come to the Ellsworth branch though :)  We also went to this really sweet old lady's house and did some service for her, and even though she doesn't want to talk about the gospel, her heart was softened because we visited and helped her. 
Wednesday- We taught our scripture study class that we have at the church, and it went really well!! We discussed 3 Nephi 11 :)  Enough said.
Thursday- We had a lesson with James over the phone.  I can't even believe the change that has happened with him.  It is amazing to hear him talk about the gospel!  He has called all of his family and invited them to his baptism already, and he has been talking about the Book of Mormon and what we teach him with his fellow ship-mates.  He has said that they have told him that they have really seen a change in him :)  It is quite amazing!  It is also good because it is way less awkward with him and Sister Wallentine.  I guess the Lord works in mysterious ways, and if that is what it took to open his heart to the gospel then so be it.  We also went the the community meal, which was great because we have really been able to see how much more open people are with us now, it's great :)  There are a whole bunch of hippies that come, and they love talking with us.  Ahh, those hippies are quite the bunch!  I wish I could just take pictures of them and send them too you, they are great :) 
Friday- This was quite the awesome day! :)  We went and had lunch at the senior center with one of our ward members again, and there were a lot of people that came up and talked with us that wanted us to stop by and see them.  I just love the elderly!  Also, we drove down to the bottom part of our area and got permission to stay with a widow who lives in our branch!!  It was a blast! :) She lives in this little bungalow right next to the coast.  Beautiful!!  She is just the sweetest lady EVER!! :) 
Saturday-  We had a great, but kinda crammed night at her house, then ate, then took off.  I gained a lot from that stay, spiritually because she is just awesome, but also physically because boy that lady can cook!! :)  We went to Deer Isle, an island where all the people are related.  Really, it was kinda an out of body experience.  A whole new world out there in Deer Isle.  We met some nice people though, however, we probably won't focus our effort out there too much.  When we came back we saw Kaila, and holy cow, everything is kinda falling apart in her life, it is crazy.  We really don't know what to do.  The branch is really helping out though!  They have been reaching out to her and trying to do what they can to help.  I just don't know.  I feel like all I can do is love her.  And that is what I'll do :)  And then, to top the week off.  Transfer calls.  Ahh... it was quite nerve-wracking.  Sister Wallentine is leaving to go back to Idaho, Sister Fratcher is leaving to be a senior companion in another area, and I am staying as junior companion in Ellsworth.  I am so grateful that I get to stay here for another week.  I love this area so much!!! :)  The branch is amazing, and although things have been slow, we have really started to see the fruit of our labors :) 
Sunday- Last Sunday with my companions, and I'm not going to lie, it was weird.  I have grown so close to both of them, and it will be a big change not to be with them anymore.  Especially Sister Wallentine.  I have learned SO much this transfer and I feel so glad that I was able to experience all that has happened with them :)  I'm just grateful for companionships!  They have taught me a lot about myself and about the gospel, and words can't even express how grateful I am that I've been able to grow with them here in Ellsworth :)  But change comes for a reason, and I've got to grow even more!  I'm a bit nervous, but excited that I'll get to meet my new companion tomorrow :)
Overall, this has been one of the greatest weeks ever!!  We have all just gotten along so well and have had many, many laughs :)  I'm just so grateful for missions and for the friendships that I've been able to make!  We've gone through a lot together, but we all made it through and have learned a bunch!! :)  Hooray for learning and growing and being happy!! 
I just love the gospel and I love sharing it with people! :)  I love you too, and hope that you have a wonderful week!!
Sister Bergeson :)

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