Monday, October 28, 2013

Oct. 28, 2013 Bucksport, Maine

Hey hey!                                  Oct. 28, 2013
I got your package and letters today!!  Thank you so much :)  We have quite the stash of sweets in our apartment!!  Happy Halloween!! To answer your question mom, I will be staying in Ellsworth this transfer, I really have no idea why I said week in my last email.  I am so happy that grandpa is home!!  It has made my week for sure :) 
So, this has been quite the crazy week!  First of all, I said goodbye to Sister Wallentine and Sister Fratcher on Tuesday at five in the morning.  It was so weird because I have been within sight and sound of Sister Wallentine for the past four months.  It was sad, but I'm just so grateful for everything that I learned the past couple transfers!  I spent Tuesday in another sister's area while we both waited for our new companions, and boy it was pretty nerve-wracking.  There was so much going on in my head and I was so tired!  But right when I met Sister Bickel I felt peace :)  She is from Holliday,(sp?) Utah, has been out for 9 months, and has the prettiest singing voice ever!  At first we went through the get to know you stuff, and after, I felt like I could be totally myself around her :)  I'm so glad!  I can tell I'm going to learn a whole bunch this transfer, too.  She has anxiety disorder which includes depression.  She was really open about it right at first which was good, and I want to help her the best that I possibly can.  She didn't know she had it until she came out on a mission, and she has had some really hard times out here, but she is really strong.  I know that it will teach me a lot a lot of patience, which is great and I've had to step into the leadership role because I'm teaching her the ropes of the area.  It has been really good so far, and I have been really calm.  I was super nervous at first, but I know that I have been strengthened by my Savior to be able to handle some of the added responsibility that I have now.  It has definitely taught me how to adapt to change as well.  It isn't easy, but I know that it will help me become who God wants me to be. It has just been good :)
So this week we taught James, and he is still doing great!  We also got a new investigator :)  He referred himself to us online via  We sure do get a few of those it seems, and they are GREAT! :)  I love getting media referrals!  His name is Vijay (pronounced vee-jay) and he is a student at the Maine Maritime Academy from North Carolina.  His ex-girlfriend is a less-active member and she broke up with him because she told him he needed better morals.  I'm not exactly sure how it all went down, but he said that he wants to read the Book of Mormon and go to church to see more about what our church is like.  So two days after our lesson, he came to church, which was fantastic!  It seemed like he liked it, he asked questions in gospel principles and there were a lot of people in the branch that welcomed him and introduced themselves to him.  I'm so grateful that we have such a warm and inviting branch! They are great :)  So, ya, we really hope that Vijay progresses!! It is nice to be able to have more people in our teaching pool for sure! :) 
So one funny thing that happened: we ran out of propane.  So we had two days where our heater, water heater, dryer, and stove didn't work.  It was the Monday before transfers and transfers, which was pretty bad timing, but everything is working now.  I'll look back and smile about that for sure, good memories :)  We survived!!  We also cheated and took showers at a member's house.  Cold showers are just no fun!  Hmm...what else?  We had our branch Halloween party which was a total blast!! We also went and volunteered at this really cool place that was literally giving away free clothes!  It was awesome, and it was all donation run :)  I got a new skirt and sweater!  We were also in charge of the combined Young Men and Young Women activity this week which was fun!  More missionary work themed things :)  I just love this branch so much!!  The members are awesome :)
One thing that I've been thinking about this week is how important attitude is.  I have complete control over my agency and I can choose how I react in each situation.  Although I was sad that Sister Wallentine and Sister Fratcher were leaving, I decided that I was going to react positively to whatever change was ahead, and choose to love my companion.  It has helped a lot :) 
Have a fantastic week family!  I love you!!

Be where your feet are :)
Sister Bergeson :)

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