Monday, November 4, 2013

Nov. 4, 2013 Bucksport, Maine

Remember, Remember

Hello my wonderful family!!                            Nov. 4, 2013
I hope that you have had a fantastic week! :)  It has been great here in Ellsworth 2!  Time has just flown right by, and we've been going going going! :)  We've also been cold!  The temperature is starting to drop, and boy humidity really does make a huge difference!  I'm very grateful for my warm clothes, that's for sure :)  So, the highlights of this week...
I went on an exchange with our new sister training leader, Sister Sowards, and it was fantastic!! She is great :)  We taught Valerie, and her friend that introduced her to the church was there, which was really good!  It will be weird not going on so many exchanges because I love them, but I'm glad that I'll be able to stay with Sister Bickel in our area more :)  We have been having such a fun time together!  She is amazing, and I just love her so much!  We are quite silly, and I'm really glad we can smile and laugh so much!  I love singing with her, and we sing a lot!! I've gotten really lucky with my companions, that's for sure :)  It's great! 
On Wednesday we were able to see quite a few less-active members, which was great!  They are really nice, and I love being able to remind them of the spirit they felt at the time they joined the church.  We have also been trying to go see Kaila, but it has been rough for her.  I can't believe everything that is happening!  It is so hard and sad to see, but I know that everything happens for a reason, and this is all just part of God's plan for her.  I just love her so much!!  The branch members are great though, and have been good at continuing to try and help her through this hard time. 
And then, it was Halloween!!!  Sister Bickel and I made Rice Krispy treats to hand out to members and investigators in Bucksport :)  It was a lot of fun!  It was great to see so many people in such a short amount of time, and it reminded me of how grateful I am to be a missionary and to have these people in my life!  I really can't imagine what my life would be like if I hadn't chosen to go on a mission.  I've learned so much I don't even know where to start.  I'm grateful for chances like that.  To look back and to remember!  Prophets in the Book of Mormon encourage us to remember things that our fathers have experienced and also our own experiences.  I feel like I have grown so much!  It also reminds me of what we taught James yesterday.  We discussed part of the talk that dad sent to me by Elder Bednar called Seek Learning by Faith.  I just love that talk by the way!!  We talked about Faith being an assurance that leads to action and then how we receive evidence after the trial of our faith.  It's looking to the future, acting in the present and then looking to the past to see how the hand of God has worked in our lives.  I feel like going on a mission was definitely a leap of faith, but now looking back, I've seen so many miracles and blessings that I would have never experienced any other way!  And I've got so much more time to learn and to grow!! :)  It's not easy in the least bit, but I know that it will all be for my good! 
Missionary work is definitely the most fulfilling thing that I've ever done, that's for sure!  And it is amazing how much the work is hastening!  That was the topic of our Stake conference this week, and it was awesome!  I loved it so much!  I love Maine, I love the Bangor Stake, and I love my Ellsworth Branch!! :)  I'm so grateful that I'm here serving the Lord!!
I love you so, soooo much!  Have a great week!
Look back and remember what the Lord has done for you and express gratitude, especially this Thanksgiving season!
Sister Bergeson :)

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